
About Joy

Excuse me, thank you. When we walking through the crowd, we thought this is the end of our relationship to a stranger. What if it is not?
We know my name and your name, my nationality and your nationality, my experience and your memory. Is this really make us distinctive? The relationship between me and you is just like the reflection fragments on a river surface. It start from a whole piece but because of the ripple it give us an illusion of being separated. 

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1. Ripple
2. Apple&Lemon
3. Focus 


1. Practice 2022
2. Joy and New River
3. Solo
4. Soloo

5. None Solo
6. Thin and long


1. Glove
2. Blind Box

Concept Art

1. On the Moon
2. Two soldiers 
3. That hunter 
4. Bubble wizard 
Environment Design

(Static animation)
1. Pink World
2. Pink Gallery


Focus - 2020

Material: Stop Motion Studio, Adobe Premiere, Sketch paper, Mark pen.
Duration 03:24

︎Watch here:

Through this animation,I describe the process of my cognition of Sofia.

This is a stop-motion interview animation. In order to emphasize the effectiveness of interpersonal

communication promoted by zooming in this method, I chose a classmate with a very

different background from mine, Sofia. The voice part shows the objective dialogue between

Sofia and me, while the picture part shows my subjective understanding of the dialogue. By

constantly out of focus and focus, I mimics the multiple and repetitive processes that people use

to establish their knowledge of the unknown.

Moving image